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Yes, this is a place specially created
to compete with the ever popular mamak stalls to waste your time.They
said that time is precious, but I assume that your time is cheap for you
and would like to waste it. 90% of our life is wasted anyway, through sleeping,
busy bodying, talking craps eating and so on (that's why they said we only
use 10% of our brain) so why not spend a few more moments here to read
these craps.
1. Create a new folder on the desktop and
title it "and now, the moment you've all been waiting for". When you rename
the folder, you must click on the icon with right mouse button and choose
rename to work correctly.
2. Rename that folder to "we proudly present
for your viewing pleasure"
3. Rename it the folder to "The Microsoft
Windows 95 Product Team!"
4. Open the folder, and the credits should
be displayed.
1. In Minesweeper, click on a square to
get the timer going
2. hold down both mouse buttons, and a
9 square indentation will appear
3. Hit the ESC key
Get the best time :)
Sales man - Insurance agents are
also included in this category of people. A surprisingly 95% of words coming
out of their mouth are useless, an ultimate waste of time. these group
of people have been growing at an astounding rate, due to classes being
offered. Been to these classes before, they use craps to teach craps, talking
the same thing over and over again, and always think themselves as the
greatest bullshitter in their house.
The worst is insurance
agents, talking to us as though we have no future! Don't believe? Get a
10 minute talk to anyone of them, and you will feel like your life has
been shortened by 10 years. No kidding! However, implicitly state that
by buying policy from them, your life can be magically be extended, (much
like buying ........you know). Well, don't fall for these. Get some advice
from fortune tellers beforehand, see when will you terminate, then get
the coverage, this will definately be much much more cheaper.
1) Cemeteries (this is an exception, applies to the whole world) - because this is their hometown. They were born here!
2) Under trees, huge trees. Especially in the jungle or some road that cuts across jungle. Different kind of ghosts are sighted all over malaysia, and the popular one, on the road leading up to Genting. Bet you heard the story of a monster that chews the head of a driver when his car stopped (or broke down, don't know the real reason. have to ask the headless person himself.) and get out of his car. Then his wife still in the car heard a loud noise. 2 policemen came and told the wife not to look back, but she did and saw his husband dead. (this one is quite violent rated 18 sg by Lembaga Penapisan. anyone below 18, please skip this whole paragraph and continue down)
3) Banana trees. They thought is that banana trees have a lot of usage in primary school, the banana can be eaten, leaf can replace PVC rappers, trunk can do this and that. But later find out that the tree can be used as house too, for the vampires. Pontianaks live in banana trees, and if you use your mother's sewing needles to cucuk it, you can control them to help you win Magnum, Toto, and even Big Sweep!
4) The most popular
place of all, Universities and schools. These are the place most stories
took place, and bet you can find at least 1 in every school, even they
are just beside 2 mosque, 1 church & 1 temple. People say that ghosts
like place where there are noisy sessions (school time) and sometimes quiet
time (holiday). And every accidents in school will result in stories.
If this is true,
then the most hounted place i think is the Malaysia roads, where we have
the highest accident rate in the world. But hey, have you heard even a
single ghost story from the Highway?
Tips ( to prevent ghosts )
1) Say excuse me when
you pee (make sure you do this in your house).
2) Do not shine your
light into jungle. (Late night drivers, make sure your headlight is off
when you pass by dark areas!)
3) Keep garlic, cross,
bible, charm, and underwear in bag beside you. This is enough to keep any
kind of ghosts away.
4) Get a company when
walking in the dark. But make sure also he/she is not ghost.
5) Ghosts like to take
the shape of sexy, beautiful girls, (maybe they were not so beautiful when
they are alive) so to all those horny guys outside, beware of all the cun
girls around. Master Wong said Miss Universe might be one of the gang.
1) The most important person is... The end user.
2) Respecting all browsers
Not everyone has Netscape Navigator or
Internet Explorer running on a Pentium with a T1 hookup to the Internet.
Find out ways to make your pages friendly to all browsers.
3) Useful page elements
There are a number of items you can build
into your pages that will serve both you and the end user.
4) Taking the edge off longer pages
Ideally, a given page should contain a
digestible amount of information. Sometimes, however, pages run long by
necessity. For those instances, there are steps you can take to break the
content into smaller chunks.
But i say:
1) The most important person is...no one. this page is totally for craps.
2) No respect for outdated browsers
This page is totally designed for new
browsers, like Netscape Communicator, IE4, and those less than 1.5 years
old. Those who are still using Mosiac, text browsers, this page is not
for you all. Make sure that you have at least Pentium too before you look
into my page.
3) Useful page elements
There are only a number of items that
has a purpose on this site. The rest are totally craps..
4) Taking the edge off longer pages
Who cares how i designed my page?
That's all. Still have time to waste? Then
wanna tour around my monster farm (I warn you, they may just waste your
time) ?
Yes, take me there. (Then the ginie say, your
crap is my command)